I’m a critic and cultural historian of sff and an acquiring editor.

I write about genre and popular fiction (especially fantasy, science fiction, and horror) and cultural history—with attention to power, empire, capitalism, and race—for academic and popular publications, including Strange Horizons, Los Angeles Review of Books, World Literature Today, Reactor Magazine (formerly Tordotcom), and more. My shorter writing (peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, essays, reviews, etc.) is available here, and information about the books, journal issues, and book series I’ve edited can be found here.

As the acquiring editor for Lever Press, I work to bring diverse, conversation-changing scholarship into the world, emphasizing writing that appeals to general audiences, speaks truth to power, and reveals the many ways inequality operates. I value writing that works toward practicable critical and community responses, that seeks to do something for the world.

This site features links to all of my work, which I make freely available whenever possible, as well as two blogs: Critic / Construct, where I write reflective essays on fiction, culture, and history; and Publish / Perish, where I provide commentary on academic publishing from an insider’s perspective (but mostly I just recommend academic books).

An image of Sean Guynes facing away, with his back to the camera, looking onto the Cornish coastline.